The Rise Of The Economic-Minded Migrant

At Optylon Krea, we are used to dealing with Portuguese golden visa investors from every nook and cranny of the world. The golden visa, a highly popular residency by investment program, garners interest from high net worth individuals from nearly every country in existence, allowing them to obtain EU residence status through a qualifying investment from a set of eligible investment categories.

One of those categories is the mutual investment fund, and since it began gaining more interest and popularity amongst investors in the past few years, we have also noticed a shift of source countries, which are the nations where most investors hail from.

This shift wasn't just accredited to the rise of the fund option, but it was aided by the pandemic, which highlighted to investors that even if you live in one of the best places on earth and possess a strong passport, it isn't enough if you don't have a Plan B in place for themselves, their families, and their wealth. 

The heightened awareness of possible vulnerabilities, coupled with the great investment opportunities such as branded residence in Portugal, has created a global quadrumvirate of source markets that are providing a massive number of golden visa investors. These destinations, not normally the top source markets, are Hong Kong, Dubai, Turkey, and the USA. 

These four markets, although separated by thousands of miles and each of them set in a widely different location on the globe, do have one thing in common - a heightened exposure to global economic affairs. 

Hong Kong, Dubai, Istanbul, and New York are currently four out of five major global economic hubs, with London completing the list. These four cities, on average, deal with more international trade, global financial services, and political-economic policies than the vast majority of any other cities on the globe.

This economic link between the four cities, and the increasing interest in investment migration, has led to a new type of golden visa niche - the economic-minded investor. 

The recent changes to the Portuguese golden visa, coupled with the after-effects of the pandemic, have made investors in these economically-vital locations not only see the need for a robust contingency plan, but the importance of doing so through an investment that actually pays off.

Golden visa applicants understand that, by choosing the right investment opportunity, their financial venture becomes much more than just a means to an end, but a fruitful investment that bears profits and is an excellent method of wealth diversification and asset protection. 

This mindset is why these four source countries have become the major markets for Optylon Krea, as our focus on robust mutual investment funds dealing with massive projects, many of them branded residences in top-tier locations, aligns us with the mindset of high-net-worth individuals used to dealing with global investment opportunities of the highest quality.

Optylon Krea provides investors with a multitude of investment options that allow them to customize their risk level, potential profits, expansion opportunities, and that are also eligible for the Portuguese golden visa. 

This investment framework aligns with the top growing passive investment structures in Dubai, Hong Kong, Turkey, and the USA. And the heightened awareness about the golden visa in these markets has created the perfect environment for sourcing top-tier investors and matching them with exquisite projects that match their taste, meet their expectations, and adjust to their exhaustive investment experiences. 

The growth trend in these markets in terms of golden visa applicants is not showing any signs of retreat, with Turks now becoming the third-largest nationality pool of golden visa investors and US nationals continuing to grow their share of applications. It is a massive shift in dynamic under the golden visa umbrella, and those offering investment opportunities must now align themselves with the new order. 

We at Optylon Krea have long been serving the experienced investor, and our investment opportunities have always been great ventures, not just a gateway for residency, combining both the financial and mobility factors of investment migration in complete harmony. 

To know more about what Optylon Krea offers its investors, and how an investment can yield both a profit and an EU residence permit, contact us today to book a free, comprehensive consultation with one of our experts. 

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